Let's face it: time is money. So to increase productivity, attorneys hire answering services to allow more time to focus on important aspects of their firm. One tiny problem…Not all answering services provide the same quality service. See below for 3 reasons you may have chosen the wrong answering service.
They Close on Weekends and Holidays.
Yes, your firm is only open Monday-Friday during normal business hours, but who's catching those after-hour calls? Think of the amount of business you could be missing by simply not having a live answer when a client calls on a Saturday afternoon. Offer stellar customer service by having an attorney answering service who is available 24/7, especially holidays.
They Don't Do Client Intakes?
Client Intake is extremely time-consuming but entirely necessary
They Nickel and Dime You to Death.
Your attorney answering service's sole purpose is to provide telephone customer service. Why would they charge extra for every little feature that is required to do their job? For example, our OmniCall Receptionist Service offers all of our features for free with each of our Pricing Plans. Texting your messages, emailing your messages, daily email summaries, connecting calls, and more are all included; you will only see one line item on your bill, as it should be.
What Do I Do Now?
If you just realized you’ve chosen the wrong service, no worries! If you're ready to make the switch, give OmniCall some consideration. Our Receptionists are highly trained and professional, and consistently provide the best of customer service for attorneys all over the nation. For more information on our pricing plans, click here.
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