Our Virtual Assistant Phone Answering Will Make Accepting Incoming Calls Easier
Contract lawyers are busy all the time drafting legal documents, handling agreements and settlements, and preparing teams for litigation. It's easy to see how they can have so much going on and so little time to answer every incoming call. That's why OmniCall Receptionist is here to help! We have virtual receptionist answering services made for contract lawyers.
OmniCall has everything you need to help your clients well. You'll have a lot more time available to prepare your team and clients for any possible litigation.
What Else Does a Contract Attorney Do?
Contract attorneys specifically create new contracts and legal documents and review old ones. There's a lot that can wrong if someone breaks a legal contract, and contract attorneys make sure clients understand what they're getting into before leaving a contract. They will also either charge by the hour or use a flat rate for their services.
Law firms are constantly finding ways to reduce costs, and having contract attorneys on board is one such way of doing so. They perform the same tasks as a full-time associate would at the law firm. Contract attorneys also specialize in the following practice areas:
Intellectual property
Intellectual property litigation covers legal protection of products, artwork, inventions, discoveries, and processes. This also includes copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets.
Labor and employment
Labor and employment litigation covers issues that may arise in the relationship between an employer and an employee.
Litigation support
Litigation support focuses mostly on calculating economic losses as a result of a breach of contract.
Regulatory and compliance
Regulatory and compliance refers to a business abiding relevant rules and regulations and the implications and consequences of violating these laws.
Mergers and acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions addresses the laws pertaining to a company buying another company (acquisition) or two companies forming a new entity together (merger).
Contract negotiation
Contract negotiation involves two parties compromising on an issue to reach a satisfactory result. The legal aspect of contract negotiation involves protecting business owners from risk and increasing revenue.
How OmniCall Receptionist Can Make Your Job Easier and Less Stressful
As a contract lawyer, you have a lot of mundane tasks you must complete like preparing annual reports, reviewing employee documents and manuals, and generally researching specific issues and laws most relevant for your clients. With the amount of work you face each day, why make your job more complicated having to worry about having enough time to talk to each client on the phone individually?
That's why OmniCall Receptionist can make your job a lot easier. Here are some more ways we can help you improve your relationships with your clients.
OmniCall's Live Call Answering Professionals Will Talk with Your Clients As You Do
The virtual receptionists at OmniCall always prepare before speaking to clients who are involved in contract litigation cases. It is our top priority to nail each conversation we have with your clients about the details of their case. You don't ever have to go at it alone when you can have a whole team of highly skilled virtual receptionists by your side.
Your Stress Will Be Reduced by Us
Not having the proper team of virtual receptionists to help you communicate with clients is major pitfall for any attorney, and with our virtual receptionist services, you can rest assured knowing we will always have your back when the going gets tough on these calls. With a lot of the pressure removed, you can finally have time to focus on the things that matter most for your contract lawyer firm.
Your Contract Attorney Clients Will Be Amazed
Our virtual receptionists don't fool around when it comes to adding a talking with each of your clients in a personalized manner. People get annoyed when they have to talk to a machine that can't understand them at all. Our live call answering specialists are easily trained to ask callers about the things you need to know from them. They're so efficient at their job that you can peacefully have your lunch or go to an important legal contract meeting during the 9 to 5 hours of the day and know that a team of highly qualified telephone receptionists is handling the calls for you.
Other Benefits You Get from a Qualified Virtual Receptionist Company
There are several other ways you can directly benefit from using our live call answering services for contract lawyers. Here's just a few for your benefit!

Intelligent Conversations with Clients
Contract attorneys must talk to clients showing off their expertise in the field. Our virtual receptionists will knowledgeably talk to these clients, so they'll be more convinced to use your contract law firm's specialties.

Sophisticated Client Interactions
Sometimes it's hard for human beings to stay put and pay attention to the other person. That's not a problem with any of our virtual receptionists. All our virtual receptionists have a way of communicating verbally and using strong vocabulary and grammar to give calls the impression of expertise and class. When we speak to your customers, we provide them with respect they deserve and we also never talk down to them.

Excellent Appointment Scheduling You Won't Find Anywhere Else
When your clients need to schedule an appointment at your contract law firm, they will speak to virtual receptionists who will ask the most important questions about the facts of the cases. Depending on your hours of operation, we will work within your allotted time to schedule your clients for the days and hours you are available. Once we work out an appropriate time, we will notify you and keep you updated on changes and cancellations from the client.